a plea for oxford memo book 6096 1/2
Some people swear by Moleskine notebooks. Me, I’m all about the 6 1/8″ x 3 3/4″ 72-page Oxford Memo Book, stock number 6096 1/2. They look old school, age well after months in my back pocket, and never fall apart.
Unfortunately, the dude at the stationary store told me that they are being discontinued in that size. I, for one, am having a cow.
Emails with the Esselte Corporation, trying to order even just a single case, have proved fruitless. Googling and eBay searching have been similarly frustrating. As I embark on occasional missions to various lower Manhattan stationary stores, I figured I’d post a cyberplea, as well, and make an offer…
If anybody comes across any 6096 1/2s (or the ledger-lined 6094), I will gladly cover the costs of purchase and shipping, and will send a care package including a mix CD and other goodies. Drop me a line, y0!
Hi Jesse,
I have the same problem. My favorite memo book is the 6081 1/2 (3″ x 5″ top-sewn) pocket memo book, which fits nicely in my back pocket. I’ve been using it for years, and nothing else I can find on the web is comparable to it for my needs. Moleskins are too thick for my taste and wire-bound memo books are out for the same reason. Having searched the web for alternative sources and alternative memo books, I am almost out of hope that there is an easy solution for me. I have half a mind to start making my own memo books. (I have found one website http://www.diyplanner.com that discusses the home-made route in detail.) Still, I hate to go to so much trouble to cut and bind my own pages, and carrying loose note cards just isn’t going to do it for me. Have you gotten any more information about this issue since you posted your 2/22/07 blog?
Regards, Scott
Just got the news from my local stationery store in Brooklyn, ran home crying, googled “Oxford memo book,” and came across your post. While the Oxford of my affection is the pocket-sized 6080 1/2 model, I think they’ve all been discontinued. Can’t find anything on their site!
Hell, at this point I’d even settle for a 6086 1/2.
Well, good luck. A friend recently gave me a moleskine in their “cahier” line, which is pretty close in style, although not in size…
Here’s the link.
I may have found a few of the notebooks in question. I will check again the next time I am in the store. I don’t know the name but it is in the westgate Mall in Bethlehem PA. I am also looking for the 6086 1/2 or 6080 1/2. I’ll let you know what I find out.
I have six of the notebooks that you are looking for. They were $2.89 each or $17.39 for the six plus about $.94 for the tax. I would be glad to ship them to you if you provide me with an address.
If you can put me in contact with Scott, I have 7 of the 6081 1/2 that I can send him.
I wiped out the store supply. There will be no more. Contact with the company said that they are discontinued for good- all sizes of those memo books. Whatever they had left were donated to a charity. Maybe an E-mail, letter writing, or calling campaign by all of us who miss them can get them back into production or even in production by another company.
PS- Have you tried looking at Frank B’s in Throggs Neck, in the Bronx? You could find anything there when I lived in the Bronx.
I use the 6096 1/2 books as “summit registers” to be placed in containers on mountain tops in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. These books are so much better than the spiral bound notebooks, because the pages don’t fall out and they will last for years. I only have a dozen left, but a list of 50 peaks that need new registers, so now I guess I have to find a substitute. At work we have avery dennison “computation notebook” 43-468 we use for lab notebooks – they seem tough enough, but at 12″x9″ they are too big to fit into most summit register containers.
I’m a big fan of the 6086-1/2 too and managed to pick up a bunch of them before they were discontinued. I was planning to work through them slowly and still leave enough for my grandchildren to enjoy, but more likely I’ll just be the butt of a family joke. I have them in packs of 12 and I’ll let them go for $36.00 a pack + shipping. You can contact me at theletterzsucks@aim.com.
I, too, have spent hours trying to find a replacement for the 6080 size memo books (5×3). Whoever decided to discontinue these should be fired. Apparently they are used by tons of police stations!! What were Oxford thinking???
Their customer line is 1-800-962-6248. I’m going to start flooding them with complaints.
For anyone looking for oxford memo books, visit oxfordmemobooks.com if you ave any questions please leave me a comment on the site on the contact us page.
My husband has me on a goose chase to find: Oxford 3″ x 5″ 48SHT Memo Book. I found them at the site listed for the URL but they only had two and don’t normally sell outside of their area. I was happy to find this site and hope that someone might be able to assist me. I have searched yahoo and google. Thank you!
from bookfactory.com hunting and fishing log books 3 1/2″ x 5 1/4″ 96 Pages $6.99
They are nice enough but are quite expensive and not as sturdy as the oxford 6096 1/2’s I have. They are nicer looking, nice soft feeling cover, fit in pocket well, but for summit registers I would prefer the larger sturdier oxfords.
Hi i work for Esselte in the midwest dist. center I’m sorry we discontinued something you all found so good to work with. Mabbie we are making something else that will work. I’ll look in our catalog and stock. Let you know.
I was able to make my own memo books with a paper cutter, lined pad, stock paper, book tape, color printer, awl, sewing needle and dental floss.
The covers can be customized using ones own photos or design. One pad makes 4 books that have 50 pages and are slightly smaller (5.5 x 3.75)
Turs out that Avery Dennison sold there division to Rediform which doe make a comparable memo book product for $2.99 (inthe event you don’t wish to make your own).
See http://www.rediform.com/vw/fs/p006.htm
I discovered only today that the 6096-1/2 was discontinued — then searched all over Boston in despair and disbelief but to no avail. The 6096-1/2 was peerless. I wish I had the foresight to buy whole cases when I still could. If anyone unearths a hidden supply, please, please get in touch. Hope springs eternal.
I too just discovered today that my favorite memo book , the 6080 1/2, has been discontinued. Living in humid Hawaii it’s the only memo book that holds up in my back pocket. I’ve been using them for many years.
Sorry Charlie is what I got from the company that used to make the Oxford 6081 1/2. Has anyone found something close? Anything???
Wow, I thought I was the only one. 6086 1/2 is mine and I’m down to my last one and desperate for more.
Always interested if a vein is struck somewhere.
I am pleased to tell everyone posting here that we do carry the memo book you are all looking for (Oxford 6081 1/2). I currently have about 8 dozen of the m in stock. You can find them at wards5and10.com. Hope this was helpful. -Darrin M
I work in law enforcement and we have always used the 6096 1/2 and of corse now it is no longer available we are currently using a lesser quality book that doesn’t even compare. I found this log by searching like most of the rest of you. I was able to find a place that appears to make a memo book that will be very similar. I haven’t ordered any yet but I am planning on ordering a bunch for our p.d.
http://www.lawenforcementmemobooks.com It appears that they make books for Milwaukee P.D. and others in s/e wisconsin. Good luck
I’m looking for the same book. The (Oxford Memo Book Stock Number: 6096 1/2 72 sheets). This is the second set of memo books that go discontinued. First was the MiniComp 50 sheets 6″x3-5/8″ Narrow Ruled. I Loved these books. They too went out of stock. i have no luck finding the Oxford Memo Book. Can someone please Tell Oxford that they made a big mistake by removing these from production….. Luch
Just another person missing these books; I didn’t even know they went out of production — the store I was buying them from went out of business. I guess I’ll see what else I can use…
I seem to be the last to know. I have been using these notebooks for almost ten years, and– because I used to buy a half dozen at at a time, couple times a year– only found out today. I’ve arrived at this page only after googling that fateful combination of words & numbers, “oxford memo book 6096 1/2”.
I too will be contacting the company, this makes no sense to me.
At the moment, however: it’s a very sad day. I hope you all are coping better than I am…
I was using Classic Clairefontaine staple bound (but they also available in clothbound) – just google them out.
For example, this site will have links to several online stores: http://www.exaclair.com/
I was buying from:
Warm Regards
Lev Selector
New York
I had the company specially make that item for me, it’s number is 6086-1/2 3×5 sewn brown memo book 72 sheets.
So has anyone found a stash of these great notebooks? Or has anyone discovered a reasonable replacement item?
I ordered 50 of the 3 3/4″ x 6″ 144 pages/72 sheets $3.25 each books from http://www.lawenforcementmemobooks.com (as recommended in this blog) a couple of days ago – but I haven’t gotten them yet. At least I know they did a nice job on the artwork for me – see http://langenbacher.org/summitregister/RegisterBooks/Sierra_RegisterCoverProof.pdf and http://langenbacher.org/summitregister/
I ordered 50 of the 3 3/4″ x 6″ 144 pages/72 sheets $3.25 each books from http://www.lawenforcementmemobooks.com
Got ’em – they’re great!
Hey, has anyone ordered the replacement Oxford-style memo books from http://www.wards5and10.com? They appear to be identical to the 6080 1/2, but apparently are not made by Oxford (Esselte). Just wondering about the quality compared to my trusty old Oxfords. Thanks, Nat
I found on of these things at work and have fallen in love with it. I work on an Aircraft Carrier so Im always crawlin around in the outboard of the ship and what not. Hopefully I can find some more on sale somewhere online because I cant find them anywhere else lol
I found the replacement books for the 6080’s at
“Wards 5 & 10” on the web. They are the same size but now 50 pahes. $!.79 each. I’ll let you know when I get them.
I ordered the smaller “Oxford” from Wards 5 & 10 and was very disappointed. I have no experience with the original Oxfords, but given their long-time fans’ devotion, I doubt the Ward’s version is comparable. The Wards version would not open flat — the pages are glued in and then staples are put through the front to help hold it together. The biggest disappointment was the paper, which was printed with lines on only one side and was a cheap, almost newsprint type stock. Someone who knows the orginals would have to verify whether my impressions are correct, but I think the Ward’s versions are pretty useless as a notebook, period, much less as a worthy successor to the Oxford Memo Book.
POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTE: I also love the Oxford memo book 6094 or 6096 1/2, but was told by my stationers in Los Angeles it was “sayonara” to them for good. I am now using Blueline memo book A385. It’s tiny big bigger and has a black cover. It’s made by a company in Canada called Dominion Blueline, but is available some places in the US.
I bought 50 of the 3×5 top sewn memo books at http://www.lawenforcementmemobooks.com and love them, they are almost identical to the old Oxfords. Only catch is they only sell in bulk and to businesses so you might have to make up a business name for your address.
Another possibility, check out:
Slightly larger, 3.5×5.5 in. And pricey. But will probably give them a try. I miss the 6080 1/2.
I found plenty of 6086-1/2 at a website called oxfordmemobooks.com. Appears to be someone who bought up a lot of inventory before they were discontinued. They sell them in packs of 12 for $36 a pack ($3 a book)
I sell oxford memo books… as many as you want! 3$ each… email me
I have about 3k of oxford memo books.. 6086 1/2 .. the same exact ones as on oxfordmemobooks.com
email me
I have 2k oxford memo books 6086 1/2 3×5 left. My email address is natethebeast@yahoo.com
If you are interested.. they are three dollars each and come in packs of 12.
Contact me
I’m looking for the Oxford 6081 1/2 top-sewn. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
I have a whole bunch of 6086 1/2 3×5 notebooks.
My email address is oxfordmemobooks@yahoo.com
My website is