Jesse Jarnow


199 post-WFMU sunrises, december 2008 – may 2013

I’m retired from the overnight slot at WFMU. I look forward to communicating directly with the hive-mind during other hours on other days. Fill-ins coming soon. I hope to be back with a full-time show at some point in the future.


12/1: deep, deep blue. almost ambient pink in the clouds.
12/8: the blue creeps out from behind the black like a doppelganger overtaking.
12/15: non-existent, not coming. probably.
12/22: muted by the streetlamps over the ice fields.


1/5: charcoal-blue pepperland inversion.
1/26: blue, definitely. lonesome, TBD.

2/2: palimpsest, diminishing usage.
2/9: perfect planetarium dissolve.
2/16: velvet-painted chintz. on the skyline, financial district office lights pinpricking on like an advent calendar.
2/23: perfect lunar blue gone hiding behind chalk-gray, then back to a more tempered, public self.

3/2: a pale, snowy enclosure behind downtown. lights are still mostly off, like the skyscrapers and glass boxes want to sleep in.
3/9: stolen by daylight savings, then released slowly, like a fog. thx to everybody who pledged last night! #wfmuthon
3/16: dim, unformed. something not yet ready to be told.
3/23: inside an easter egg, too blue for walt. perfect crescent moon hanging over the financial district, almost CGI.

4/6: austere gray with ambient pink, like a blue/orange flood braced to shatter winter’s last wall. happy opening day, peeps.
4/13: blue-white light precisely detailing downtown’s contours. spires, cell towers, rooftop watertanks, scaffolding around glass boxes.
4/20: chalky gray. ambitionless & deferential to newer, brighter suns rising in parallel.
4/27: blushing peach, mildly aghast at having tricked everything (and everybody) into bloom. but only mildly.

5/4: enthused flowers bent crooked with rain, pink petals litter sidewalk. in the distance, dock cranes, draped in fog.
5/11: nearly full daylight bounces btwn glass boxes of exchange pl. reflections incrementally deeper, more vivid & illusory, each week.
5/18: cold, wet breeze off river. trees disheveled, starting committees.
5/25: a rumor, unconfirmed, truth blurred by stillness.

6/1: a blue so cool & white that it hurts.
6/8: damp, fragrant. neon green post-it note affixed to sidewalk, labeled “trash.”
6/15: through the rain in a rented tux jacket, boutonniere petals wilting.
6/22: clouds still amassed strategically above skyline. swarm intelligence in repose, potentially violent.
6/29: real summer at last. international flags lining boulevard lap agreeably, like they’ve adjusted to waking w mimosas every morning.

7/6: crisp & amendable, wanting to be time-stretched into an infinite gentleness.
7/20: dew condensing, on the march. innocent morning sweetness amping itself for humidity assault.
7/27: unobtrusively blinding. humidity-powered smellscape carries scents of baking bread, urine, and then something like ginger ale.

8/3: a miscalibrated counter on a cassette deck, reset.
8/10: windwhipped. soft, wet air. garbage cans rolling across waterfront plaza.
8/17: haze smeared. gray malaise & unborn breezes.
8/24: inexplicably smells like pancake batter.

9/7: end-of-summer melancholia compressed into quiet colors, darker dawn. the breeze reports from someplace far away.
9/21: soft focus. crystal blue & pink clouds behind unfathomably sharp skyline.
9/28: blue/black flood rolling over buildings, sidewalks, everything, lapping at morningfeet.

10/5: padding on the balls of my feet through the kitchen, trying not to wake anybody.
10/12: milk truck loitering by empty bus stop, engine running, no driver in sight, ready to be liberated.
10/19: cruise ship creeping by in slow motion, moving facade in front of sleep-blinking financial district.
10/26: mars, or something else high & red, lingering over WTC site.

11/2: angry, choppy wind. traffic lights in all directions seem to be red, glaring.
11/9: thin orange-grey smog-haze in quiet, dramatic gradation.
11/16: is.
11/23: the silver-purple of dreamless sleep.

12/7: a million fissures blurred to seamless slate.
12/14: unconvinced of its own existence.
12/21: hiding behind a snowbank, hoping nobody notices.
12/28: a red/purple/gray flatness only spoken to/by other sunrises.


1/4: mysterious puffs of backlit red steam against slate sky from roof of waterfront mini-highrise. also, ZOMG, it’s fucking cold.
1/11: lacquered & holding. more mysterious backlit red steam belching from waterfront rooftop.
1/18: streets glistening with rain-sheen, empty studio backlot ready for action.
1/25: shaking lampposts & stray leaves trace the wind’s abrupt contours, possesed by the spirit & speaking in silent, secret tongues.

2/1: immaculate, clear & cold. perfect fade from dark blue to light, distinct orange flare banding horizon.
2/8: a place for every shade of blue & every shade of blue in its place. crisp crescent moon over the harbor.
2/15: encased in blue ice & melting dimly at the corners.
2/22: perfect visibility, the skyline recut in the night with municipal lasers. dirty snow clumped around trees & lampposts like mold.

3/1: muted icescape & the smell of home fries.
3/8: crisp, warm & OMG dudes I obliterated my goal *and* i get to keep the beard! thx to all who pledged! stunned!
3/15: dark, oddly gentle. umbrella carcasses scattered in the storm-eye.
3/29: dripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdripdr —

4/5: gently (one hopes) meeting the mets.
4/12: buds & blossoms & candles still flickering at waterfront memorial for kaczyński by katyn statue:
4/19: momentary stillness of skyborne machinery.

5/3: heat, rain.
5/10: whiteblue recessional, proceeding.
5/17: soft air, sleepy blossom perfume, & an idling WPIX news van.
5/24: fog-draped, all but waterfront skyline shrouded. city looks shrunken, intimate.

6/7: sheepish. bearing treatises of coolness, perhaps misleading.
6/14: in the smoggy, smoggy dew.
6/21: glass box office towers reflect surrounding cityscape into shimmying, building-sized david hockney mutations. breeze, cinnabunny.
6/28: barometric alarm clock, arms spinning.

7/5: businesslike, unamused.
7/12: massive 10-deck cruise ship drifting by, looking as big as buildings behind it, temporarily/confusingly redefining skyline.
7/19: flags blowing in subtly different directions & creepy newfangled group aerobics on the plaza.
7/26: uncommonly cool & gentle, with an even more uncommon garbage stank.

8/2: morning boot campers circling the plaza like a .gif loop. dude with a stopwatch, barking.
8/9: boats in the steam. (or, if autocorrect had its way, boars.)
8/23: uncertain contents leaking.
8/30: mini traffic cones laid on plaza in airy grid, like gallery installation, for MIA boot-campers. cloud ribbons merge w glass boxes.

9/13: distant purple/gray command wending through the system.
9/20: massive blue soundstage.
9/27: sparse, insistent rain. hard wind off the hudson.

10/4: brooklyn shipyard cranes glittering like a distant alien city.
10/18: stars out, air rich.
10/25: hive-like, the city in cross-section.

11/1: trees on south side of street totally bare. on north, modesty just starting to diminsh.
11/8: the purple between gray & blue.
11/15: a dim pink humming.
11/22: detuned & weary.
11/29: intricate orchestration from star-ridden black-blue above to far-off white-pink at horizon line.

12/6: chalky, marbled.
12/13: a laden vibration.


1/3: christmas tree, tipped & spilling from oversized white garbage bag, flapping sadly.
1/10: ice black harbor.
1/17: empty plaza, empty trains, collective MLK sleep.
1/24: glass towered ice fortresses on the hudson.
1/31: paths through the terrestrial surface.

2/7: dim pastel sedimentality.
2/14: lavender concrete, crumbling.
2/21: all american white-out.
2/28: fully retractable graphite rain.

3/7: $ & £ & € & xx & oo from the heavens.
3/14: a thousand springs behind.
3/28: born blue.

4/4: off-purple near-rain.
4/11: monday morning fogging down. city entirely enveloped, invisible besides dim dock lights.
4/18: boot campers out on plaza for first time this year. terrifyingly perky routines.
4/25: a sweet, cool pausing.

5/2: freedom’s just another word for what’s on the other end of the PATH train. terrified.
5/9: countrypolitan platitudes.
5/16: cinnabon fog.
5/23: bootcampers prostrate in odd symmetric/ritualistic array around katyn massacre memorial

6/6: muted perfumed fanfare.
6/20: secret no longer.

7/4: abandoned skyline in low clouds.
7/11: 12-story carnival cruise ship lumbers up the hudson, past the skyline, like a lost, confused whale ready to beach.
7/18: niiiice dissolve.
7/25: pleasant! harbor breeze + unmistakable smell of lightly jellied toast.

8/1: new morning.
8/8: syrup, slowly swum.
8/22: following a trail of rose petals onto the PATH platform.

9/5: unlabored & abandoned.
9/12: in remembrance of thinkpieces past.
9/19: infinite gradation in blue.
9/26: purple darkness.

10/3: velvet clouds over the city like the cover of “loaded.”
10/10: blue unmuting.
10/17: in invisible pinks.
10/24: perfect crescent moon (the lunar megaphone?) hanging directly above zuccotti park.
10/31: 45 at 33 1/3.

11/14: drab whiteness overtaking, minus tiny distant flare over navy yards, like dramatic natural history museum miniature.
11/21: deep purple rain.
11/28: black sky, blue clouds.

12/12: bare metallic branches.
12/19: the frozen rigging resists.


1/2: de-reveled.
1/9: skyline snooze control
1/16: heavy, windless cold. branches & flags still.
1/23: half-pleasant airborne slush.
1/30: tiny lights blink awake.

2/6: chalky monday.
2/13: crashville skyline.
2/20: crystal blue per$ua$ion.
2/27: freeform <3.

3/5: purple cloudbank fleet.
3/12: blue noise behind the black.
3/19: hyperreal crescent moon over wall street.
3/26: blue upon blue upon blue.

4/2: tranquil blue gradations & return of war yawping morning boot-campers.
4/9: white-blue sky, light eastward wind, mets somehow 3-0.
4/16: cherry blossom clinic.
4/30: skyline time-lapse freeze-frame.

5/7: half the flags blowing east, half blowing west.
5/14: boggling over bootcampers & citybirds with bryce.
5/21: cold fog, cloud city.

6/4: lunar holiday.
6/11: nu-WTC disappearing into cloudbanks & looking even taller.
6/18: goodbye blue monday…
6/26: …hello, blue tuesday.

7/3: cool sweet haze.
7/10: atmospheric conditions tolerable.
7/17: solid dew.
7/24: a crumpled lacoste umbrella by the newsstand.
7/31: sea gray, with gulls.

8/14: glass panels creep up a skyscraper in progress.
8/21: the smell of cheese & sickly flowers.
8/28: fat, warm rain.

9/4: luminous fog, hyperreal skyline.
9/11: freedom moonset.
9/18: both purple and rain.

10/2: inscrutable and depthless gray-brown.
10/9: very close to still.
10/16: daylight unsaved.
10/23: black magenta.

11/6: morning in america with newscopters.
11/13: ambient pastels.
11/20: a curtain, reversed.
11/27: grey behind red behind grey.

12/4: deep static.
12/18: giant misplaced novelty wreaths above the holland tunnel tollbooths and rain.


1/1: a very pastel beginning.
1/8: crisp prop moon, crescent.
1/15: the softest red.
1/22: ice raga.
1/29: soft-edged & windless.

2/5: unhurried snowstatic.
2/19: metropolitan soundstage.
2/26: all new, unshredded flags of many nations down the middle of montgomery street.

3/5: ow, my brain.
3/12: NOT TOO LATE TO PLEDGE. 800-989-9368, , or .
3/19: slushfall.
3/26: purple cloudcliff.

4/2: loop-ache aggregation.
4/9: beach party tonight.
4/16: out demons, out.
4/23: wet white blossoms.
4/30: just like any other day that’s ever been.

5/7: tomorrow’s clear light.

big day coming: a reader’s guide


Yo La Tengo & the Rise of Indie Rock

reader’s guide plus

end notes, errata, & ephemera


see also: official Yo La Tengo Annotated Discography.



Yo La Tengo: Georgia Hubley, Ira Kaplan, James McNew


Todd Abramson, current Maxwell’s co-owner, former YLT roommate
John Beers, Happy Flowers
Bruce Bennett, The A-Bones, auxiliary YLT guitarist during WFMU marathons
Nils Bernstein, Matador Records
Alan Betrock, New York Rocker founder
Fred Brockman, The Kinetics, Snacktime Studios proprietor
Rick Brown, Information, Fish and Roses
Irwin Chusid, WFMU
Byron Coley, writer
Clint Conley, Mission of Burma, Ride the Tiger producer, bassist #3
Gerard Cosloy, Conflict, Homestead Records, Matador Records
Liz Cox, Christmas
Michael Cudahy, Christmas
Jim DeRogatis, Jersey Beat writer, Chicago Sun-Times columnist, radio host
Jad Fair, Half Japanese
Steve Fallon, Maxwell’s co-owner, Coyote Records founder, occasional YLT manager
Gaylord Fields, WFMU DJ, former YLT roommate
Ken Freedman, WFMU DJ and station director
Bobbie Gale, Atlantic Records
Sue Garner, Fish and Roses, Run On, The Last Round-Up
Karen Glauber, A&M Records
Danny Goldberg, Atlantic Records
Richard Grabel, New York Rocker, later music biz lawyer
Mark Greenberg, The Coctails
Tim Harris, Antietam, bassist #14
Michael Hill, New York Rocker, co-booker of Music For Dozens for series
Nicholas Hill, WFMU DJ
Gene Holder, the dB’s, YLT producer, bassist #11
Peter Holsapple, the dB’s
Lyle Hysen, Das Damen, Snacktime Studios proprietor
Emily Hubley, filmmaker, Georgia’s sister
Stephen Hunking, Hypnolovewheel
Adam Kaplan, Ira’s brother, occasional YLT manager
Neil Kaplan, Ira’s brother
Terry Karydes, A Worrying Thing
Tara Key, Antietam
David Kilgour, The Clean
Hamish Kilgour, The Clean
Wolf Knapp, Antietam, bassist #7
Jamie Kitman, YLT manager, 1990-1992
Bob Lawton, booking agent
Michael Lewis, Lyres, DMZ, bassist #2
Laura Levine, New York Rocker photo editor
Chris Lombardi, Matador Records co-founder
Craig Marks, Homestead Records, YLT roadie-pal
Mac McCaughan, Superchunk, Merge Records co-founder
Mike McGonnigal, Chemical Imbalance
Glenn Mercer, The Feelies
Bill Million, The Feelies
Phil Morrison, filmmaker, YLT roadie-pal
Glenn Morrow, New York Rocker, The Individuals, Bar/None Records owner
Chris Nelson, New York Rocker, Information
Peter Occhiogrosso, SoHo Weekly News
Dave Rick, bassist #1, occasional YLT fill-in guitarist, Phantom Tollbooth, Bongwater
Will Rigby, the dB’s
Rick Rizzo, Eleventh Dream Day
Kevin Salem, Yo La Tengo lead guitarist on Fakebook tours
Tom Scharpling, WFMU DJ
Dave Schramm, Yo La Tengo lead guitarist, 1985-1986
Andy Schwartz, New York Rocker editor
Robert Sietsema, Mofungo, photographer, food critic
Chris Stamey, the dB’s, occasional YLT fill-in guitarist, bassist #6
Maynard Sipe, The Maynards
Jim Testa, Jersey Beat founder
Roy Trakin, SoHo Weekly News
Brian Turner, WFMU DJ & music director
Michael Vickers, Go-Betweens, bassist #9
Janet Waegal, New York Rocker
Kurt Wagner, Lambchop
Ken Weinstein, Atlantic Records
Stephan Wichnewski, bassist #5
Janet Wygal, The Individuals, The Wygals, bassist #13



p. 2: An Australian promoter achieves the Yo La Tengo typo trifecta, spelling all three words incorrectly.

(see also: Yo La Tengo’s own gallery, Top Billing.)



p. 13: Maxwell Tavern in 1974, three years before its purchase by the Fallon family.

(via the Hoboken Historical Museum)



p. 21: Tommie Agee made the two legendary catches in Game 3 of the 1969 World Series, not Cleon Jones. I should know better.



p. 39: Andy Schwartz and New York Rocker back issues in the Rocker office. (photo by Laura Levine)

(see also: a gallery of New York Rocker covers.)




p. 53: The voices of Georgia and her older sister Emily star in Windy Day, a 1968 Oscar-nominated short by their parents, Faith and John Hubley.

Georgia and Emily’s voices star again Faith and John Hubley’s Cockaboody, animated circa 1973, but recorded prior to Windy Day.

p. 59: The 1956 Maypo ad by Faith and John Hubley starring Georgia’s brother Mark that became a national sensation, eventually spawning the phrase “I want my MTV.”

p. 61: Faith and John Hubley’s 1962 collaboration with Dizzy Gillespie, The Hole.

p. 67: Emily Hubley’s hand-drawn video for “Big Brown Eyes” by the dB’s, 1982.



p. 69: “Gauge-loving” should read “garage-rock loving.”

p. 69: The 1982 video for “Anything Could Happen,” from the epochal Boodle, Boodle, Boodle EP by The Clean, leading lights of Dunedin, New Zealand’s punk scene and longtime Yo La Tengo favorites.

p. 73: An early version of “Crazy Rhythms” performed by The Feelies at CBGB in 1978.

p. 74: Following the 1979 release of Crazy Rhythms, The Feelies morphed into the abstract and Brian Eno-influenced Willies and played around their hometown of Haledon.

p. 80: Bad Brains are (duh!) from Washington, DC, not New York — though they were NYC residents at the time of their first album, for which Ira wrote liner notes.

p. 84: New York Rocker photo editor and birthday girl Laura Levine fronts the newly formed Georgia & Those Guys at the New York Rocker office. (An interview with Laura.)




p. 93: Some of Georgia’s flyers for the Music For Dozens series at Gerde’s Folk City, booked by Ira and Michael Hill from November 1982 through January 1984.



p. 98: In spring 1983, Ira and Georgia traveled to Boston to see one of the final shows by Mission of Burma, one of their favorite bands.

p. 109: The flyer for the first proper Yo La Tengo show, Maxwell’s–December 2, 1984–a co-bill with close friends Antietam. (Mucho excellent Antietam history at their official site.)

p. 109: The Urinals perform “Surfin’ With the Shah” live in 1983, the first song Yo La Tengo played at their first gig in December 1984.




p. 117: Georgia, visible in barely a single frame in the video for Bruce Springsteen’s “Glory Days,” shot by filmmaker John Sayles at Maxwell’s, September 1985.

p. 118: “The Hoboken Sound” aired on WNEW, which didn’t become WNYW until a few months later, in January 1986.

p. 119: Yo La Tengo with Mike Lewis (bassist #2) at the River City Fair in Hoboken, August 1985. (Photo by Jim Testa of Jersey Beat.)

p. 127:Mose Allison, not Moses.

p. 128: William Berger, not William Burger, whose “My Castle of Quiet” can still be heard on WFMU.

p. 130: Outtakes from the Ride the Tiger photo shoot. (photos by Carol Addessi)

The Ride The Tiger band with Mike Lewis and Dave Schramm (far left).

The short-lived lineup featuring both Dave Schramm (with baseball bat) and Stephan Wichnewski (bassist #5, far left) at the Stevens Institute near the Elysian Fields in Hoboken.




p. 136: Georgia, Ira, and Stephan Wichnewski (bassist #5) perform “House Fall Down” at Cicero’s in St. Louis, November 1987, the earliest circulating footage of Yo La Tengo, recorded for the local cable access show Psychotic Reaction. (The opening act was Uncle Tupelo, making their first trip the big city from nearby Belleville, IL.)

p. 152: Ira and Georgia perform “Teenager in Love” and Buddy Holly’s “Everyday” in their Hoboken living room, spring 1988.




p. 165: A compilation of live and radio performances from the Fakebook years.

p. 166: A firsthand account of Yo La Tengo and Daniel Johnson’s February 1990 collaboration live on WFMU by DJ Nicholas Hill and link to the complete special.

p. 171: Yo La Tengo’s first video, for “The Summer.” Directed by Phil Morrison, summer 1990.

p. 171: Yo La Tengo with Gene Holder (bassist #11) perform The Kinks’ “Big Sky” in Berlin, August 1990.




p. 182: Maynard Sipe was the drummer for the Maynards, not the singer.

p. 187: James, in his solo Dump guise, performs several tracks (including a cover of the Fugs’ “Morning, Morning”) in the Dutch countryside, circa 1995.




p. 189: A mix containing 7 radically different live versions of “Big Day Coming,” including its March 1991 debut at Maxwell’s.

p. 190: Bassist #15, James McNew, on the road with Yo La Tengo in St. Louis early in his tenure, ready to undergo the rite of snoots.

p. 197: Headphones firmly affixed, Ira prepares for another take of “Mushroom Cloud of Hiss.” May I Sing With Me sessions, Boston, fall 1991.

p. 214: Hal Hartley’s rejected video for “From A Motel 6.”

The remade video for “From A Motel 6.”

Phil Morrison’s video for “Big Day Coming.”




p. 223: Lambchop’s 2009 concert film, Live at Merge XX, directed by Phil Morrison.

p. 229: Phil Morrison’s video for “Tom Courtenay.”




p. 242: see also Yo La Tengo Sell Out.




p. 250: The “Sugarcube” video.

p. 256: In fact, Oar Folkjokeopus didn’t close, merely changed its name to Treehouse Records. Stop by on your next trip through Minneapolis.



p. 266: Jon Spencer and Yo La Tengo perform Superchunk’s “Slack Motherfucker” at Matador’s 10th anniversary shows.

p. 268: A complete performance filmed at the Cat’s Cradle in North Carolina with Superchunk’s Mac McCaughan and The Clean’s David Kilgour rotating on auxiliary guitar/vibraphone/keyboards, March 2000.

Yo La Tengo + two drummers + strings perform “You Can Have It All” on Conan O’Brien, June 2000.

p. 272: “Harold” should be “Armando.”



p. 285: Portraits of Yo La Tengo taken just before the release of 2003’s Summer Sun by photographer Jack Chester.



p. 309: “1999” from Dump’s redacted album of Prince covers, That Skinny Motherfucker With the High Voice?

p. 312: Yo La Tengo back Lambchop’s Kurt Wagner on “Theone” during an early Freewheelin’ Yo La Tengo tour, Nashville, January 2008.

p. 313: Alex Chilton joins Yo La Tengo at Maxwell’s, December 2007, for “Let Me Get Close To You.”

p. 316: Yo La Tengo and Roger Moutenot record Popular Songs at the band’s rehearsal space, 2009. Photo by Liz Clayton (and other photos from the sessions).

p. 321: There were two American installments of All Tomorrow’s Parties before the festival moved to New York, though none in the style of the festival’s British holiday camp roots.

p. 324: Yo La Tengo back Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy on “Jesus, etc.” at Maxwell’s, 3 December 2010

The Elysian Charter School of Hoboken sings “Sugarcube” at Maxwell’s, 3 December 2010



p. 327: The list of former Yo La Tengo bassists was accidentally printed alphabetically instead of chronologically.

Terry Karydes (A Worrying Thing, 1982-1983)
Dave Schramm (A Worrying Thing, 1983)
Dave Rick (1984-1985)
Mike Lewis (1985-1986)
Clint Conley (1986)
Steve Michener (1986)
Stephan Wichnewski (1986-1989)
Chris Stamey (1986)
Wolf Knapp (1988)
Tony Maimone (1988)
Robert Vickers (1989)
Al Greller (1990-1991)
Gene Holder (1990)
Wilbo Wright (1990)
Janet Wygal (1990)
Tim Harris (1991)
James McNew (1991-present)